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Tekrar Oyna | Diğer Oyunlar | Hata Bildir

Verilen resme göre hangisi doğrudur?
They can paint well.
They can dance.
They can dive.
They can run fast.
- - - and she can play with it.

Cümleyi tamamlayınız.
This is her ball
This is her pencil
This is her tree
This is her car
sing ✓ dance ✓ play the guitar X play the piano X

Verilenlere göre hangisi doğrudur?
He can play the piano.
He can't dance.
He can't play the guitar.
He can sing and play the piano.
This is her car and - - - .

Cümleyi tamamlayınız.
she can't play it.
she can't draw it.
she can drive it.
she can read it.
Mısra can climb a tree and paint well.

Bu cümleye göre hangisi doğrudur?
climb a tree :) paint well :)
climb a tree :) paint well :(
climb a tree :( paint well :(
climb a tree :( paint well :)
It's - - - ball. He can play football.

Cümleyi tamamlayınız.
Verilen resme göre hangisi doğrudur?
She can sing.
She can cook.
She can drive a car.
She can take a picture.
Can they read a book?

Bu soruya nasıl OLUMSUZ cevap veririz?
No, they can't.
No, I can't.
No, we can't.
No, he can't.
Can she play basketball?

Bu soruya nasıl olumlu cevap veririz?
Yes, I can.
Yes, they can.
Yes, she can.
Yes, he can.
Sıla can jump high, but he can’t speak Russian.

Bu cümleye göre hangisi doğrudur?
speak Russian :) Jump high :)
speak Russian :( Jump high :(
speak Russian :( Jump high :)
speak Russian :) Jump high :(
This is your bike and - - - .

Cümleyi tamamlayınız.
you can speak it.
you can catch it.
you can read it.
you can ride it.
Verilen resme göre hangisi doğrudur?
They can do puzzles.
They can play volleyball.
They can play the piano.
They can fly.
Tuna can’t play basketball or draw a picture.

Bu cümleye göre hangisi doğrudur?
play basketball :) draw a picture :)
play basketball :( draw a picture :(
play basketball :) draw a picture :(
play basketball :( draw a picture :)
Aslı : Can she swim?
Esma : - - -.

Esma Aslı'ya nasıl OLUMSUZ cevap verir?
No, I can't
No, she can't
No, I am not
No, she isn't
This is my kite and - - -.

Cümleyi tamamlayınız.
I can ride it.
I can fly it.
I can drive it.
I can dive it.